18 October 2009

still below the horizon


i could hear the uncertainty in the voice of wind
branches and leaves carried in a new direction
reaching out to pull me in
and i am made one with the wind
and i am clean in the water
dried by the heat fire of the sun
no longer weighed down
i travel over oceans to uncharted lands
and find that my heart is full of blood
that i am not alone
to watch the moon and fog disappear

06 October 2009

circadian rhythm

entering the first circle

the last protective layer
of skin hidden from
the wind and the rain
the burning sun
raising voices over
the sounds noises
of tearing into the
soil the creation of
life endless forgiving
it grows beneath my skin
and up through my eyes
rooted in tissue and
hope the only words
i know to say carried
by blood and not
waves crashing onto
every empty shore